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Writer's picturetanyaalowe

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An Introduction to all things me.

Who am I and what am I about.

Hello there, well you have probably read all about me on my "About Tanya" page, but I still feel it is nice to take the time to introduce who I am.

My journey to naturopathy has been long, and there has been a lot of healing along the way. I have had to overcome my own demons (we all have them), and I learned very early dis-ease is not just a physical experience. Most of the time, physical symptoms are messages telling us we are out of alignment with our true self. Sometimes this is as a result of doing a job that is draining your life force, or a relationship that is not serving you. Sometimes it is simply a result of not honouring yourself.

Physical illness is always an opportunity to explore our deepest emotions. It is the opportunity to really assess who we are, what are we hiding from ourselves, and what we need to do to find peace within. Sometimes it is even who we need to forgive, or what we haven't grieved for.

So I had a lot of physical illness, and also had my fair share of anxiety and depression in my teens and 20s, To find healing, I had to integrate the emotional and mental bodies, with the physical and spiritual bodies. Sometimes the physical could not shift without doing the emotional and mental work, and sometimes the physical needed to be supported for the emotion and mental self to balance again.

That is why as naturopath and reiki master-teacher, helping people to heal is not just giving you some herbs and supplements, or getting you back over and over for an energy healing. I want to empower you to be your own healer, and help you understand who you are, and why you are sick, sad, angry, drained or depleted.

Healing is often complex, the peeling the onion analogy is often used to describe healing, and it definitely applies in this case. So I hope to offer you via this blog opportunities to find ways to take charge of your own healing through my knowledge as a naturopath, reiki master-teacher, and all-round over-analyser and philosopher of all things healing and life.


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